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Achieving comity: disciplinary border crossings with Guy Aston


This talk

a socio-historical approach

Clever boys/confused students

Holywell Manor, Oxford: May 1967

Holywell Manor, Oxford: May 1967

Preaching in Parma

October 1992: Electronic Resources for Textual Studies

October 1992: Electronic Resources for Textual Studies

... TLAs to pitch for

Fame at last

Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative meeting, Haiensa, October 1994

Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative meeting, Haiensa, October 1994

BNC goals

BNC goals

The BNC Handbook in production

Oxford: March 1994

Oxford: March 1994

(And yes, it was authored in TEI)

and published!

First Forli Workshop, 1997

The survivors

The survivors

Workshop programme (2004)

The Double Act

The Double Act

The Astonian Method

The Astonian Method: first example

The Astonian Method

The Astonian Method: serendipitity strikes

The Astonian Method: serendipitity strikes

Second example

Second example

Second example

Second example

Second example

Second example

Millenial wanderings



DDL is stilluseful

ex auctoritate corpus

.... because it still works

(Boulton, Researching data-driven learning:
               Past, present, future, TaLC 2018)

(Boulton, Researching data-driven learning: Past, present, future, TaLC 2018)

Thank you for your attention!